Pariṇāmanā: 1:1 Sessions: A Journey Within

Who is Parinama for? – Parinama is for mothers and fathers, and for adult children, for a homemaker, for a career oriented person, for an entrepreneur, for a yogi as well as for a seeker. It is journey one takes to becoming whole, if you’re willing to be brave, vulnerable and steady, then this is the path for you.

This will be a 3-month space with 10-12 sessions (60 mins each) & plenty of inner work. Sessions will begin in July 2024.

Integrating yogic healing to your way of being! I do not follow a set structure, instead, I’ll create a safe space for you to explore, and you’ll receive whatever nourishment you need from each session.

In the realm of coaching, we embark on a profound voyage comprised of two essential phases: Firstly, the Intensive Phase, a sacred span of two lunar cycles, where seekers delve deep into the depths of their being, igniting the flames of transformation and evolution. Following this, the Integrative Phase emerges, a harmonious dance lasting one moon cycle, where the wisdom gained is seamlessly woven into the fabric of daily life, fostering lasting change and alignment with one’s highest potential.

Being in the healing space for over a decade, I am happy to offer this sacred space to work 1:1 with my clients now, having been throughly trained in therapeutic practices grounded in the rich tapestry of yoga, ancient Vedic wisdom, and the profound insights of Eastern spirituality.

  1. We connect with light beings and spirits and healed a current debt situation for a client
  2. We do intergenerational trauma healing working with your lineage and a client could sleep better healing their insomnia that was triggered 10 years 
  3. We did a deep meditation and EFT release sessions that brought in confidence for a client who had past trauma due to a suicide in the family and helped her moved past it and be able to choose her life partner without fear and determination 
  4. We do inner child healing to help clients connect with their younger versions and integrate the lost confidence which in turn helped them show up at work more confidently and even be able to move on to a new job with a raise
  5. We enter your Akashic records and allow a client to get answers from their spirits about their life purpose 
  6. We worked with spirits and angel energies to cut chords and heal relationship between a husband and wife
  7. Through energy healing sessions, clients reported experiencing a significant reduction in chronic pain and physical discomfort.
  8. Clients reported significant weight loss and improved body confidence after addressing underlying emotional issues related to food and self-image during energy healing sessions.
  9. Following energy healing sessions targeting addiction patterns, clients successfully overcame substance dependencies and adopted healthier coping mechanisms.
  10. Clients experienced promotions, career advancements, and increased opportunities after clearing energetic blocks related to self-worth, confidence, and success.
  11. After receiving fertility-focused energy healing, clients struggling with infertility issues conceived and carried pregnancies to full term, fulfilling their dreams of starting a family.
  12. Clients facing adversity and challenging life circumstances reported enhanced emotional resilience, inner strength, and the ability to navigate obstacles with grace and optimism.
  13. Students struggling academically experienced significant improvements in their grades and academic performance after addressing stress, anxiety, and learning barriers through energy healing sessions.
  14. Clients suffering from chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, or migraines experienced noticeable relief and improved pain management through energy healing techniques.
  15. Clients experiencing interpersonal conflicts in relationships, both personal and professional, reported resolution, reconciliation, and improved communication skills after energy healing interventions.
  16. By clearing energetic blocks related to abundance and prosperity consciousness, clients attracted new financial opportunities, increased income, and improved financial stability.
  17. Individuals struggling with public speaking anxiety gained confidence, charisma, and presence after energy healing sessions addressing underlying fears and insecurities.
  18. Artists, writers, and creatives reported enhanced inspiration, creativity, and artistic flow following energy healing sessions aimed at unblocking creative channels and fostering self-expression.
  19. Clients struggling with self-esteem issues and self-criticism experienced a profound shift towards self-love, self-acceptance, and inner peace through energy healing and self-care practices.
  20. Individuals struggling with boundary-setting and assertiveness issues reported establishing healthier boundaries, asserting their needs, and maintaining balanced relationships post-energy healing sessions.
  21. By addressing energetic blockages, clients found themselves experiencing increased abundance and prosperity in various aspects of their lives.
  22. Following sessions focused on regression, clients reported gaining clarity and insight into recurring patterns and behaviors affecting their present life.
  23. Energy balancing sessions resulted in clients feeling more grounded, centered, and aligned with their true selves.
  24. By delving into subconscious programming, clients experienced breakthroughs in overcoming limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors.
  25. Sessions incorporating healing techniques led to profound states of relaxation and inner peace for clients, reducing stress and anxiety levels and healing with physical issues like PCOD.
  26. Clients reported improved communication and deeper connection in their relationships after sessions aimed at clearing energetic blocks within the relationship dynamic.
  27. Energy clearing work helped clients overcome creative blocks and tap into their innate creativity and inspiration.
  28. By releasing trapped emotions and negative energy, clients experienced a newfound sense of emotional freedom and letting go of phobias.
  29. Sessions focusing on chakra balancing resulted in clients experiencing enhanced vitality, energy levels, and overall well-being.
  30. Through guided visualization and energy work, clients reported manifesting their desired goals and intentions with greater ease and speed.
  31. Clients undergoing soul retrieval sessions reported feeling more whole, complete, and integrated within themselves.
  32. By aligning with their soul’s purpose, clients experienced a sense of fulfillment, purpose, and direction in their lives.
  33. Sessions aimed at clearing karmic imprints led to clients feeling lighter, more at peace, and free from the burdens of the past.
  34. Through Akashic healing sessions, clients gained insights into unresolved issues and traumas that were impacting their current life and were able to release them.
  35. Clients undergoing aura cleansing sessions reported feeling energetically rejuvenated, refreshed, and revitalized.
  36. Energy work focused on activating dormant potentials and talents resulted in clients experiencing personal and professional growth and success.
  37. Sessions incorporating EFT led to clients experiencing enhanced clarity, intuition, and spiritual connection.
  38. By fostering a deeper connection with nature and the elements, clients reported feeling more grounded, connected, and in harmony with the universe.

During these 3 months, one will experience profound healing and spiritual expansion via a rich blend of ancient spiritual wisdom and modern psychological techniques. Drawing from the depths of Indian yoga, as well as modern psychology practices such as inner child healing and regression therapy.

On the one hand, through these techniques, the focus lies on delving into the roots of trauma, facilitating symptom release by addressing underlying issues. On the other hand, Yoga operates on a deeper level, nurturing the spirit to harmonize the body-mind-sense complex, often referred to as instruments in yogic terms. Through Yoga, the soul takes center stage in the healing journey, orchestrating holistic balance and restoration across all facets of being.

Embark on a journey towards sustained healing and inner growth, guided by the wisdom of both timeless scriptures and contemporary psychology.

Disclaimer: Coaching/Healing is not a substitute for medical advice


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