Consult with Zariya to get a holistic understanding of how your dream life can be weaved into reality. Zariya operates with the intention that everybody takes 100% responsibility for their own life. We are the product of our own thinking. And based on this model, we will help you asses and understand how you can improve your relationships with others and your own self, how you can improve your productivity and thus business. And also how one can completely heal one’s own body with the power of their thoughts.
We work with you and help you evaluate and come up with a healing plan to learn to nurture your own power and energy. All it takes is the intention to step in the direction of awareness, and the rest follows through.
We specialize in the following areas:
- Business and Career
- Finances
- Relationships
- Health
- Spaces (Homes and Office)
- Dispute Resolution
And design plans based on your needs and concerns via various modalities offered:
- Reiki
- Emotional Freedom Technique
- Spiritual Response Therapy
- Angel Therapy
- Bach Flower Remedy
- Money Reiki
- Herb Magick
- Healing Rituals
For more information, please contact Anisha at +91- 7042528897