BM Protection Clearing

New round starts on Saturday (Candle Ritual every Saturday); EE: ₹ 59,000/ $750

Current issues that might be plaguing you:

🧿 Loss in business or job loss
🧿 Patterns of ill health repeating
🧿 People gossiping or harassing you
🧿 Relationships breaking and people leaving you
🧿 Feeling attacked by near or dear ones or unknown enemies
🧿 Unsurmountable debts
🧿 Sleep disorders
🧿 Feeling depressed or isolated
🧿Prolonged addictions

How can this program help?

🧿Annihilate evil from your lives
🧿Helps in clearing auras and creating magnetism in your auric field.
🧿Abundance in business and career.
🧿Helps focus and concentrate – be it students or professionals, so that one can achieve what they want.
🧿Intense cord cutting and removes deep rooted blockages.
🧿This modality works on financial, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues.
🧿Eradicates the blockages and gives you strength to move forward towards your goals for any area of your life.
🧿It helps immensely in depression and psychic attacks and protects you from all kind of negativeness with the divine energies of Kali and Baglamukhi.

EE: ₹ 59000/ $750

**Healing is not a substitute to medical advice

India: UPI –  Anishadutt@icici /+91-7042528897
