BEX – Business Sacred Energetix Coaching

Unlock the full potential of your business and personal success with BEX, an innovative and holistic business coaching program designed to integrate advanced energetic techniques and practical business strategies. Our 1.5-2 hour sessions are crafted to not only elevate your business but also transform your personal well-being and success mindset. Welcome to BEX, where you embark on mastering the art of manifesting irresistible WEALTH in the most opulent, sensual, and effortlessly graceful manner. Prepare to ascend to the pinnacle of abundance. Trust in this transformative journey.

Work on the interconnection of money, body, mind, and soul and discover and heal the disruptive impact of trauma on your financial flow

  • Healing Financial Wounds
  • The Energetics of Business
  • Mastery in Collective Spaces
  • The Art of Selling Services
  • Engaging Instagram Alchemy
  • Becoming Viral on Instagram
  • Building a Six-Figure Income from Group Containers and 1:1 Sessions

Intergenerational Trauma Healing with Inner Child Healing

Release past traumas that hinder your business growth and personal development. Traumatic experiences, especially those passed down through generations, can create deep-seated emotional and psychological barriers that impact decision-making, creativity, and overall success. Through intergenerational trauma healing and inner child healing, we help you identify and release these hidden blocks, allowing you to move forward with clarity and confidence. This process involves gentle yet powerful techniques to integrate and heal past experiences, fostering a sense of inner peace and freedom that enhances your business vitality.

Nervous System Expansion

Enhance your resilience and adaptability to handle business challenges effectively. A regulated nervous system is crucial for maintaining composure and making sound decisions under pressure. This part of our program focuses on techniques to expand and strengthen your nervous system, such as breathwork, mindfulness, and somatic practices. By improving your nervous system’s capacity to handle stress, you become more resilient and adaptable, better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Money doesn’t operate independently; it mirrors the energy, stories, and beliefs of our nervous system.


Tap into your subconscious mind to overcome limiting beliefs and cultivate a success-oriented mindset. Hypnosis is a powerful tool to access the subconscious mind, where many of our limiting beliefs and behaviors reside. Through guided hypnosis sessions, you can reprogram these subconscious patterns, replacing them with positive, empowering beliefs that support your business goals. This method helps to clear mental blocks, boost confidence, and instill a proactive, success-driven mindset.

Subconscious Reprogramming

Rewire your thought patterns to align with your business goals and personal aspirations. Beyond hypnosis, subconscious reprogramming uses a variety of techniques, including affirmations, visualization to shift your inner narrative. This process helps to dismantle negative thought patterns and establish new, constructive ones that are in harmony with your vision for success. By aligning your subconscious mind with your conscious goals, you create a powerful synergy that accelerates your business growth and personal achievement.

Meeting Your Business Spirit

Connect with the unique spirit of your business to understand its true essence and potential. Every business has its own energy and spirit. This aspect of our program involves connecting with the soul of your business to uncover its true purpose and potential. Through guided meditations and intuitive practices, you will learn to communicate with your business’s spirit, gaining insights that can guide your strategies and decisions. This deep connection helps you align your actions with the core essence of your business, leading to more authentic and effective growth.

Energy of Selling and Its Impact

Understanding the energy of selling is crucial as it directly influences our business success and personal well-being. The way we approach selling, whether it’s products, services, or ideas, carries a distinct energetic vibration that can either attract or repel clients and opportunities.

The energy of selling encompasses our intentions, beliefs, and emotions tied to the transactional process. When approached with authenticity, integrity, and genuine care for the customer’s needs, selling becomes a positive exchange of value. Clients can sense this sincerity, leading to trust, long-term relationships, and repeat business.


Activating the receiving energy is not just about passive waiting but actively creating an environment where abundance and opportunities naturally flow towards you. It involves aligning your thoughts, emotions, actions, and beliefs with the frequency of abundance, ultimately transforming your life and business for the better. Embracing our FEMININE ENERGY doesn’t jeopardize our survival; it opens doors to receiving both LOVE and MONEY. Harnessing Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies in wealth creation, we anchor wealth directly from the divine SOURCE. We also work on opening every channel of your being to embrace and attract abundance.

Attraction Funnels

Attraction funnels are strategic pathways designed to attract, engage, and convert potential clients into loyal customers. Unlike traditional sales funnels focused solely on transactions, attraction funnels prioritize building authentic relationships and providing value at every stage of the customer journey.

Attachment Trauma forms from early-life absences, shaping our relationship with specific emotions and things. Healing these wounds naturally guides you toward cultivating a HEALTHY CONNECTION WITH MONEY. Detachment, the pinnacle of the spiritual journey, hinges on the steadfast belief that even in the absence of everything, “I will still have everything.”

Energies of Offers and Content

Align your business offerings and content with positive energies to attract more clients. The energy behind your products, services, and marketing content plays a crucial role in attracting clients. We teach you how to infuse your offers with positive, high-vibrational energies through intention setting, energy clearing, and conscious creation. This alignment ensures that your business offerings resonate with your target audience on a deeper level, creating more meaningful and magnetic client interactions.

Prana (Life Force) Access

Harness the vital life force to invigorate your body and business. Life force, or prana, is the fundamental energy that sustains all living beings. By learning to access and channel this energy, you can rejuvenate both your physical body and your business. Practices such as pranayama (breath control), energy healing, and Qi Gong are incorporated to enhance your vitality and infuse your business with dynamic, life-sustaining energy. This infusion of prana helps you maintain high energy levels, creativity, and productivity. When we heal our ancestral and personal money narratives through BEX, we reshape our relationship with money into one of ease and abundance.

Chakras and Money DNA Activation

Activate your genetic potential for health and financial abundance. Your DNA holds the blueprint for your physical health and potential for abundance. Through advanced techniques such as epigenetic coaching, sound healing, and energetic activations, we help you unlock and activate these dormant potentials. This process not only enhances your physical well-being but also aligns your genetic coding with the frequencies of wealth and success, paving the way for financial prosperity and overall abundance. As humans, we are walking PORTALS—gateways to karma, emotions, vibes, and blessings. Our bodies are composed of energetic molecules, flexible and malleable.

Transformative Mind & Financial Healing Heal financial traumas and unblock the flow of wealth into your life. Experience financial freedom and stability by understanding the deep connection between money, body, mind, and soul.

Become a person who attracts clients Learn to sell with ease and grace, transforming yourself into a client magnet. Effortlessly convert inquiries into committed clients and create a presence that feels divine to others.

Harness Powerful Business Energetics Harness the power of potent, time-tested, energetic principles to elevate your business. Effortlessly run your operations with a touch of magic, ensuring continuous growth and deep satisfaction.

BEX uniquely combines business strategies with trauma-informed therapy and energetics, offering a holistic approach that empowers you to achieve sustainable success with ease and confidence.

Infuse Life into Your Business and Watch It Thrive: Our BEX coaching program breathes new life into your business by addressing and enhancing its core energies. By integrating trauma healing, nervous system expansion, and prana access, your business will shed stagnant energies and embrace a vibrant, dynamic flow. This rejuvenation process revitalizes your business’s foundational structure, infusing it with vitality and resilience. As a result, you’ll witness increased innovation, heightened productivity, and a flourishing business ecosystem that thrives under any circumstance.

Gain Protection and Collaboration from Your Business Spirit: By connecting with your business spirit, you align with its intrinsic purpose and energies. This connection provides a protective layer around your business, safeguarding it from negative influences and aligning it with positive outcomes. Additionally, collaborating with your business spirit fosters intuitive guidance and support. This spiritual partnership enhances decision-making, fosters creative solutions, and aligns your business strategies with its higher purpose, ensuring sustained growth and stability.

Attract More Clients and Create Meaningful Connections: When your business is energetically aligned and thriving, it naturally attracts clients who resonate with its positive vibrations. Through subconscious reprogramming, energies of offers, and content alignment, you create offerings that speak directly to your target audience’s needs and desires. This energetic alignment not only attracts more clients but also fosters deeper, more meaningful connections. Clients feel a genuine connection to your business, leading to increased loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and sustainable growth.

Experience Personal Growth and Thrive in All Aspects of Life: BEX coaching is not just about business transformation; it’s about holistic personal growth. As you heal past traumas, expand your nervous system, and access life force energy, you experience profound personal development. This growth reflects in all aspects of your life—enhanced emotional well-being, improved relationships, and greater overall happiness. By thriving personally, you bring your best self to your business, creating a harmonious balance between professional success and personal fulfillment.

Achieve Unparalleled Success and Abundance: The comprehensive approach of BEX coaching ensures that every aspect of your business and personal life is optimized for success. By activating your body and money DNA, reprogramming your subconscious mind, and infusing your business with positive energies, you set the stage for unparalleled success. This holistic alignment attracts financial abundance, opportunities for growth, and sustained prosperity. You achieve a state where success is not just a possibility but a consistent reality, and abundance flows effortlessly in all areas of your life.

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