Energy Chord Cleansing and Healing

Energetic cords can form not only between people but also with places, themes, and spaces, creating unseen bonds that influence our emotional and physical well-being. Here’s how these connections manifest:

  1. People: Emotional ties to friends, family, ex-partners, or even strangers can create cords, especially in relationships with unresolved emotions like anger, love, or guilt. These can leave you feeling drained or overly attached.
  2. Places: Locations where significant life events occurred—childhood homes, workplaces, or even vacation spots—can hold energy that forms cords, impacting how you feel when revisiting or thinking about these spaces.
  3. Themes: Recurrent patterns, such as scarcity, rejection, or abandonment, can create energetic imprints that tether you to past traumas, reinforcing cycles of negativity or stagnation.
  4. Spaces: Physical environments like cluttered homes, workplaces with conflict, or sacred spaces imbued with ritual energy can hold residual vibrations, affecting your mood and energy.
  5. Objects: Personal belongings or heirlooms may carry emotional weight, creating attachments that tether you to their history or past owners.

Cutting cords with these entities allows for emotional liberation, healing, and reclaiming your energy. Would you like guidance on rituals or practices to sever these energetic ties?

By intentionally cutting these cords, you reclaim your energy and create space for balance and healing. It’s not about severing love or memories but about releasing unhealthy attachments that drain your vitality. Whether through visualization, rituals, or setting boundaries, this process allows you to restore sovereignty over your energy.

The closer we are to each other in relationships, the thicker energy chords we develop with everybody. It is vital and imperative to keep these energy chords between each other clear and healthy in order to maintain a positive life.

If you have tried everything and nothing seems to be working, maybe your energy chords are blocked and need to be cleansed and cleared. We work with the main 7 chakras and help clear all chords, making them healthy and flexible.

We work with clients individually and with the help of the Violet Flame, cleanse and heal energy chords for a person at all chakra levels.

At the root chakra level, we cleanse chords for a smoother flow of finances, career related issues, living situations and other basic level survival issues.

At the sacral chakra level, we clear chords that help heal relationships and emotions.

At the solar plexus chakra level, we clear chords that help heal all issues related to self worth and what we think of ourselves. This is the chakra where we can reclaim our power if we feel like being exploited in our personal as well as professional relationships.

At the heart chakra level, we clear chords that help heal all issues related to love for ourselves and others.

At the throat chakra  levelwe clear chords that help heal all issues related to communication and creativity.

At the third eye chakra  level, we clear chords that help heal all issues related to our intuition powers and clairvoyance.

At the crown chakra  level, we clear chords that help heal all issues related to or connection with the divine.

EE: 7 days for ₹ 35,400/ $500