Thank you Thank you Thank you
The beautiful, lovely and awesome Neerja wrote this for Zariya today: “So it’s raining in mumbai and the realisation that I am all love..and love is all me..that I can’t contain the explosion in me anymore coz duh Love is the ultimate as scary as is awesome..thank you ZARIYA!…

Who are we?
What if I am left all alone? can be a terrifying thought for many of us. Sometimes, this feeling of ‘loneliness’ can be the most empowering moments of our lives. It forces to look within ourselves and figure out our feelings. Awareness of our own dark spots throws light on…
The Long Run
Many of us are running to reach somewhere where we are expecting to meet someone who will make us happy 🙂 For some, it is the spouse, for some, the job, or the degree, or the appreciation…and the list goes on. Our minds do not let us be at ease…
A Mirror
Many a times, we get frustrated, feel disappointed and sometimes even choose to stay away from people who we blame for the ‘miseries’ in our lives. But is that what really happens? Are people really horrible to us? Does our life depend on how other people function? Is our life not…
Can you simply just let go?
What does it really mean to surrender? To let go and let God as its said? Do we ever let it be? and go with the flow? Yes too many questions to ponder over. The other day was watching, The Shawshank Redemption, yet again. And it is this scene from the…